Unpacking human behaviour with iMotions

In collaboration with iMotions HICUP Lab offers research partnerships to the industry.

We offer real-time measurements of nonconcious human responses and provide the bigger picture on human actions, thoughts and feelings. We use a multimodal approach capturing biosignals from multiple modalities of the human body, such as:

Eye tracking => Did i notice key info?
Facial Expression Analysis => Did it make me smile?
GSR, EMG & rapsiration => Did it connect to me?
Surveys => Do I remember seeing it?

Why multimodal approach?

People are full of biases. Our prior experiences dictate what is our conscious experience of really and we have a strong bias to comply with the norm. This makes it difficult to objectively measure what people think.

What next?

We can help you:

  • make a step forward in objectively understanding what really drives the shopping experience and purchase decisions.
  • make non-intrusive measurements into the nonconsciously generated signals during the actual experience, removing bias and subjectivity.
  • measure beyond the focus groups by measuring nonconscious and behavioral cues that go beyond how audiences think they feel.
  • design user experiences that align with people’s needs and expectations using quantifiable approaches.
  • Measure gaming experiences and VR by measuring immersion, presence and flow, providing a richer understanding of what makes a game enjoyable.

In practice:

  • We have a mobile unit with trained certified specialist that come to your location and record data.
  • We use state-of-the-art hardware such as: TobiiPro Glasses 2, Tobii Pro Nano and Tobii Pro Spectrum screen based eye trackers, g-tech Nautilus EEG system, Shimmer EMG and GSR wearable sensors. 
  • In collaboration with your marketing team we design user studies.
  • Domain experts from our lab perform data analysis and produce a report that includes replays, bee-swarms, heatmaps, statistics on Time to First Fixation (TTFF), time spent, revisits, emotional response levels coupled with facial expression statistics and more.
  • We provide all data in open format to your marketing team for further analysis.

Prototyping services

HICUP Lab offers support for novel product development. We provide our prototyping knowledge as well as state-of-the-art 3D printing facilities and laser cutting and engraving machines. We are certified for FMD and PolyJet Technology from Startasys.

PolyJet technology

The CONNEX3 Object260 comes from a family of PolyJet printers and lets you print a wide variety of models and prototypes in over 1,000 different material options. This options are available through mixing of 3 material which allows you to print composite parts within one print job. Through the material flexibility of the Connex3 we offer high-quality print for your projects without compromising on accuracy, detail or repeatability. 


FDM technology

We use our Stratasys F170 machine which can produce industry grade final product. We can print everything from low-cost concepts to robust working assemblies. Choose from up to five Stratasys genuine filament materials, including FDM TPU 92A a durable elastomer material.

Want to learn more about material properties and specs? Select a material below.

Laser cutting and engraving

For high precision cutting and engraving we use high end laser cutter/engraver Trotec Speedy 400 with an 80W CO2 laser and a cutting table of 1016x610mm (width x length). Due to the smart design of the laser cutter we can open the cutting chamber and cut/engrave designs of infinite lengths.