Seminar “Current challenges in bioinformatics” (Luka Ausec), 18. 4. 2017

Predavalnica: FAMNIT-1-MP2 ob 16:00

Predavatelj: Dr. Luka AUSEC, bioinformaik v Genialis,

Naslov: Current challenges in bioinformatics

The seminar will be composed of two parts. The first 30 minutes will be dedicated to a presentation by a representative from Genialis, a bioinformatics software company based in Slovenia and the US. The lecture will focus on the past, present and future hurdles in bioinformatics, both in routine analyses and in support of state of the art research. By focusing on a typical journey of data from a sequencer to a publication-ready figure, we’ll discuss possible solutions to major bottlenecks, such as cloud/on premise deployments, data management and annotation, version control and reproducibility, data reuse and sharing. Particular ways of how Genialis software tackles this issues will be presented. In the second part of the seminar, on open Q&A session will be moderated and questions and opinions from the audience will be debated. We’ll try to inspire you to consider Genialis as a potential future employer.


Predavanje je organizirano v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAčUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.