Seminar “Academic publishing from a viewpoint of a galley-man” Nino BAŠIĆ (14. 1. 2019)

Kje in kdaj: 14. januar 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP2

Predavatelj: Nino BAŠIč
Nino Bašič je docent na Univerzi na Primorskem, Fakulteti za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije, in član Oddelka za informacijske znanosti in tehnologije. Je tudi član več znanstvenih in organizacijskih odborov za programsko tekmovanje ACM ter urednik dveh uglednih znanstvenih revij AMC in ADAM.

Naslov: Academic publishing from a viewpoint of a galley-man

This talk will start by giving a quick overview of the process of academic publishing, which begins when an author submits a manuscript to a publisher. Then the focus will shift on several technical problems that an editor can encounter. The presenter will expose his experience as a technical editor of the AMC and ADAM journals. Many things will be discussed including:
* reference management using BibTeX,
* bibliographic databases (such as MathSciNet and dblp),
* the Science Citation Index (SCI) and impact factor (IF),
* DOI numbers,
* manipulation of PDF documents with PDFtk,
* open access, …