The finals 2015 of the University programming marathon

The finals of the University programming marathon 2015 took place in Maribor on 10th of October. Teams were competing for the Champion title at each individual university in Slovenia. In addition this competition served for the qualification for the CERC competition.

The team Programatorji from University of Ljubljana won this year’s UPM 2015 with 22 points. The second team with 3 points behind was Pitoni++ and the third team with 5 points behind was The A Team.

The best team from University of Primorska was O(2^n) (Vladan Jovičič, Daniel Siladji, Marko Palangetič) with 14 points and the 5th place. Our secont team StackOverflow managed to reach 15th place. All results are available on UPM‘s web page.

Congratulation to all!