Seminar “A large scale study of habit changing interface design” Matjaž KLJUN, (26.3.2018)

PLACE: FAMNIT-1-MP1 at 16:00


          University of Primorska; Faculty of Mathematics,
          Natural Sciences and Information Technologies;


TITLE: A large scale study of habit changing interface design


Various technologies can be used in persuading people to change their habits, behaviours or attitudes. Such technologies are defined as persuasive and they are used in a variety of fields such as marketing, public health and education. We are daily exposed to persuasion through different visualisations and triggers on all our devices. For example, a social networking application tries to persuade us in opening the app with a push notification and once the app is opened other hooks are placed so we spend more time in it. However, such applications are usually installed by us and we are inclined in using them. But could we persuade highly busy professionals in completing a training course? We will discuss the answer through a large-scale study that has been in done in the wild.
