Seminar “A Model-Driven Framework for the Development of Portable Real-time Embedded Systems”, Wassim El Hajj CHEHADE, (16.4.2018)

TIME/PLACE: April 16th at 16:00 in FAMNIT-1-MP1

          Assistant Professor at Beirut Arab University
          Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

TITLE: A Model-Driven Framework for the Development of Portable Real-time Embedded Systems

Given the complexity of multitasked software development, linked to very pressing economic and competitive contexts, application portability and deployment process reusability has become a major issue. The model driven engineering is an approach that aspires to meet these needs by separating functional concerns of systems from their technical concerns, while maintaining the relationship between them. In practice, this takes the form of model transformations that specializes models for target platforms. Currently, concerns specific to these platforms are described implicitly in the transformations themselves. Consequently, these transformations are not reusable and do not meet the heterogeneous evolutionary needs that characterize the systems. Our objective is then to apply the principle of separation of concern, even at the level of transformation models, an approach that guarantees portability and reusability of model transformation processes. Furthermore, since every target platform has its own APIs and implementation patterns that vary significantly from those of another platform, the designer must be able to validate his design before starting the model transformation step. Therefore, we propose to precede the model transformation step with a feasibility test step that runs a check to detect whether any real-time properties specified in the generic application model do not match the concrete real-time properties of the target platform.
