DIST participation on projects “A creative way to practical knowledge”

University of Primorska has successfully applied for the projects called “A creative way to practical knowledge“. The projects are co-financed by the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship found. The aim of these projects is to tech students to use innovative and colaborative approach for solving practical problems and to support their development of competencies, skills and experiences under the supervision of menthors from the higher education and businesses.

Department DIST is coordinating or participating with mentors and computer science students on the following projects (in coordination with menthors from other departments and participating companies / organizations mentioned in parenthesis):

  • Compact mobile data store supporting a variety of gauges – KABOOM (CGS plus Ltd.)
  • Interactive information site (O3 Ltd., Kranj Institute of Tourism)
  • Establishing IS for preschool nursary (Talpas Ltd.)
  • Planning the future buildings – Computerisation of building planning (BIM Modeling, KonektOn Ltd., RRA Notranjsko-kraške regije Ltd.)
  • Personalization of intelligent buildings – PINO (IMPLEMIDUM, design and software development, Milan Šivec sp)
  • Absorption of foreign matter in the marine environment (Invoid Ltd.)
  • Development of a prototype for hybrid machine translation for Slovene (AMEBIS Software Ltd., M-Aleja Institute for Education and Research)

The projects are an excellent opportunity to integrate students into the working environment of companies and other organizations.