Second part of the interview about machine translation on Radio Slovenia ARS 31. 3. at 6PM Dr. Jernej Vičič

The interview is available in Slovene at this link Computer / Machine Translation

The first initiatives for machine translation have emerged during the Cold War, when the Americans had a growing need for translating from Russian. Due to the poor performance of computers the development has stopped for 30 years.  Nevertheless, this technology is nowadays advancing with fast pace with support of the internet and the front runners such as Google with its huge online databas. In the second part of this interview with the mag. Peter Holozanom and doc. dr. Jernej Vičič we answer the question of how a computer translates.

Mag. Peter Holozan is a developer (and researcher) at Amebis Ltd.,

Doc. dr. Jernej Vičič is a professor at the  Faculty of Mathematics, Netural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, and researcher at the Institute Andrej Marušič and the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language

The first part of the interview was aired on 24 March: If the water catshes cold it freezes.