Dual Camera Magic Lens for Handheld AR Sketching – Interact 2015 poster video

One challenge of supporting in-situ sketching tasks with Magic Lenses on handheld Augmented Reality systems is to provide accurate and robust pose tracking without disrupting the sketching experience. Typical tracking approaches rely on the back-facing camera both for tracking and providing the view of the physical scene. This typically requires a fiducial to be in the scene which can disrupt the sketching experience on a blank sheet of paper. We ad- dress this challenge by proposing a Dual Camera Magic Lens approach. Specifically, we use the front facing camera for tracking while the back camera con- currently provides the view of the scene. Preliminary evaluation on a virtual tracing task with an off-the-shelf handheld device suggests that the Dual Cam- era Magic Lens approach has the potential to be both faster and lead to a higher perceived satisfaction compared to Magic Lens and Static Peephole interfaces.