Students of UP FAMNIT successful in the first round of Universitry Programming Marathon 2016

The first round of University Programming Marathon (UPM 2016) took place on Thursday, 07.04. 2016 in Ljubljana, Maribor and Koper. Four teams competed for UP FAMNIT in this first round in Koper. Of these 3 groups of students (AmbitiousButRubbish, Banana, PSPACE) and one group of high school pupils (Half-Life 3).

Last year’s champions of University of Primorska (PSPACE) solved only one task less (four tasks out of six) than the winners of the first round. AmbitiousButRubbish and Half -Life 3 solved three tasks while Banana solved one task.

These results are very promising and we wish all groups to continue with this pace. More about the results and the contest can be found here.

Te three groups from UP FAMNIT are:

  • AmbitiousButRubbish (Leo Gombač, Jan Grbac, Mirt Hlaj – all 2nd year students)
  • Banana (Goran Tubič, Tilen Jesenko, Gašper Moderc – all 1st year students)
  • PSPACE (Daniel Silađi – 2nd yearstudent and Vladan Jovičič, Marko Palangetič – 3rd year students).

Congratulations to all and a lot of success in the UPM 2016.