Seminar “Multimodal virtual and augmented reality interaction experiences” Wolfgang Hürst (5. 12. 2016)

Lecture room: FAMNIT-1-MP2 ob 16:00

Lecturer: Wolfgang Hürst

Title: Multimodal virtual and augmented reality interaction experiences

Abstract: Common virtual and augmented reality systems predominantly address our visual and auditory senses. Yet, our “real” reality provides us with a much richer experience stimulating also, for example, our olfactory and gustatory senses (smell and taste). The somatic sense (touch) plays a
particular important role in our life. For example, it is sometimes considered even more relevant for survival than vision and sound. In our research, we are therefore addressing how touch and tactile
sensations can be used in virtual and augmented reality systems to either create more natural and realistic experiences or to extend existing ones by providing additional functionality via tactile senses. In this presentation, we will start with a short overview of tactile sensation and perception. We discuss different options where we see a potential for better, richer, or enhanced VR and AR experiences. Examples from our previous work on tactile VR will be shown, and our current and future plans
for beneficial integration of touch in AR will be discussed.

Presenter info:
Wolfgang Hürst is an assistant professor at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences and a lecturer in the “Game and Media Technology” program at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. His research  interests include virtual & augmented reality, mobile computing, and  human-computer
interaction, mostly with a focus on gaming and media  interaction. Hürst has a PhD in computer science from the University of  Freiburg, Germany, and a master in computer science from the University  of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany. From January 1996 till March 1997 he was a  visiting researcher at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie  Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. From March 2005 till October  2007 he worked as a teaching and research associate at the Faculty for  Applied Sciences at the University of Freiburg, Germany. He is a member  of IEEE Computer Society,
ACM, ACM SIGMM, ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM EuroMM, and  GI (Germany). He currently serves on the Associate Editor board of IEEE  Transactions on Multimedia and is a member of the editorial board of  Journal of Multimedia (Academy Publisher). Hürst co-chaired and served  as TPC/PC member for various conferences, including local area chair for  mobile computing at IEEE ICME 2014, IEEE ISM 2014, and ACM MM 2012,  program co-chair of MMM 2014, and co-chair of 3AMIGAS 2009. His research  has been published in various articles at high ranked scientific  publications, including best or
outstanding paper awards at SIGMAP 2006,  ICCE 2004, ED-Media ’99, and winner of best design presentation at M&C 2007.
