Japan Patent Office accepted the patent from doc. dr. Iztok Savnik


The content of the patent covers a method and a protocol for query execution in a distributed database triples, which allows for a high level of parallelism based on distributed and pipeline parallelism. Methods and protocols are implemented in the data led system to run queries called big3store. Big3store system interprets expressions algebra graphing programs in the form of a tree of processes that are linked to each other by data flows. The processes are dynamically mapped to  data servers. The system for the presentation of triples uses RDF language (Resource Description Framework), which is the basic language of Semantic Web (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web).

Big3store system is available as an open source system: https://github.com/upfamnit/big3store and https://github.com/yahoojapan/big3store.

Yahoo Japan Research and UP FAMNIT have been cooperating on the development of the system big3store since 2013. Co-author of the patent dr. Kiyoshi Nitta, the associate of Yahoo Japan Research, visited our faculty in 2014. The visit was financed by the project The international integration of the University of Primorska.

We congratulate dr. Savnik for this achievement!