Seminar “Generative Art – software for generating images” Bogdan Soban (27.2.2017)

Lecture room: FAMNIT-1-MP2 at 16:00

Lecturer: Bogdan chambers,

Title: Generative Art – software for generating images

Generative art is a creative method using information technology to simulate the human creative process and is used to search for new solutions in architecture, urban design, industrial design, visual art, music, literature and other fields of human endeavor. The definitions found in the literarure describe it as a particular field of fine arts, where authors develop their own computer programs that in turn develop extraordinary creative abilities and express themselves in unpredictable and unforgettable visuals of mainly abstract type. Generative creative approach is characterized by four stages: the basic idea, ​​coding of a program, generation process and selection of results. The first two and the last stage are under author’s control. While generation process is performed by the computer (more or less) autonomously as part of creating a new work of art.

In the first part the lecturer will present the basics of such creativity with a focus on the characteristics of generative methods. Next some methodological approaches will be introduced. At the end he will present and explain the functioning of some typical programs that will generate images in real-time.

Bogdan Soban was born in Vrtojba 1949. He received the degree in engineering, but worked in the field of informatics for the rest of his career. In his spare time he began to develop the project in order to study the creative possibilities of the computer. He developed a series of computer programs based on mathematical algorithms to create abstract visuals on the screen. His works of art, rich colors and unusual shapes, are always unpredictable and never again repeated. His works are often displayed in exhibitions, screenings, lectures and workshops. Author also often participates in international conferences and on-line presentations on the World Wide Web.
