Seminar “Creation and evaluation of different models for predicting the type of tourism from texts”, Andraž Stibilj (21.8.2017)


PLACE: FAMNIT-1-MP2 at 16:00

LECTURER: Andraš Stibilj

TITLE: Creation and evaluation of different models for predicting the type of tourism from texts


In recent years, the field of textile mining has witnessed growth expanses due to rapid technological development and ubiquitous information technology. The use of classification algorithms in combination with the analysis of lexicographic and linguistic patterns is useful in the discovery of useful information from natural languages. The main goal is to present the field of textual mining with the corresponding methodologies and techniques, and in the future to develop and evaluate various forecasting models in the study of the example of the Slovenian tourist corpus, which covers a learning set of 4688 texts.
