UPM 2017 Finals

The best three teams in total are:

  • Pitoni~~ (Jure Slak, Maks Kolman in Marko Ljubotina)
  • Final Solution (žiga željko, Martin Peterlin in žan Knafelc)
  • https://muzik.si (Sven Cerk, Veno Mramor in Martin Šušterič)

The champions of individual universities are:

  • Univerza v Ljubljani: Pitoni~~ (Jure Slak, Maks Kolman in Marko Ljubotina)
  • Univerza v Mariboru: ‘); DROP TABLE Teams; (Izak Glasenčnik, Nejc Maček in Robi Novak)
  • Univerza na Primorskem: PSPACE’ (Nikita Akulich, Danil Baldovskiy in Anton Uramer)

During all four rounds 168 competitors from 60 teams competed in the competition.

At the end of the competition dr. Klavdija Kutnar (Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology), prof. dr. Dragan Marušič (rector of the University of Primorska) and prof. dr. Borut žalik (President of ACM Slovenia) paid a visit. Some wise thoughts at the end were delivered by dr. Gregor Jerše (head of the UPM competition) and prof. dr. Andrej Brodnik (Chairman of the ACM Slovenia Competition Commission).