Seminar “Cartographic presentation of statistical data”, Sebastjan Meža (16.10.2017)


PLACE: FAMNIT-1-MP2 ob 16:00

LECTURER: Dr. Sebastjan Meša

TITLE: Cartographic presentation of statistical data


Recognizing the useful value of statistical data has recently been steadily rising. Both the public and the private sector recognize that location-based spatial data are an important component of effective decision-making. At the seminar, the development of an interactive cartographic application STAGE (STAtistics and GEography) will be presented. The application of an individual in an accessible and friendly manner introduces into the world of statistical data viewing, since it enables the display of statistical data at various spatial levels (eg at national, regional and local level) and at different time periods. However, we can create custom statistics and combine individual spatial or time units. All data can be exported and used in the form of maps or graphs for further work. The application complies with the European INSPIRE directive, which requires countries to open access to data in machine-readable mode.

Sebastjan Meša received his PhD in Ljubljana in 2013. In the research work he was involved in building information modeling (BIM) in connection with mobile computing. During his studies, he participated in the international project “A / E / C Computer Integrated Global Teamwork Course”, which takes place under the auspices of Stanford University in the United States. After his doctorate, he worked at the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, where he works on optimizing the processes of obtaining processing and sharing spatial data using advanced visualization methods.
