Seminar “Development of a device for measuring the impact of martial arts forces”, Leon TAVČAR, (5.3.2018)

PLACE: FAMNIT-1-MP2 at 16:00


Leon TAVčAR, Master of Arts degree 2
             Computer and Informatics


TITLE: Development of a device for measuring the impact of martial arts forces


They once taught martial arts exclusively to soldiers in order to increase the chances of survival in the war. Today, they are taught for various reasons: self-defense, sport, exercise, autocontrol, meditation, improve motor skills, increase self-esteem. When practicing martial arts, we are interested in how much an athlete has progressed. Because battles are the basis of martial arts, this is the most appropriate way of assessing progress. By exercising we can increase the strength of the impact and the fitness of the athlete. In the context of the bumps, we want to figure out what power the athlete has hit, how fast they are followed by the hits one by one and what an average can reach at a given time. Many devices have already been developed for this purpose, but these are mostly expensive and often show the power of blows in the manufacturer’s own units.
