Seminar “Distributed ledger technologies for smart building, health monitoring and IoT” Aleksandar TOŠIĆ (8.10.2018)

When and where: 8 Oktober 2018 at 4 PM in FAMNIT-VP2

Presenter: Aleksandar TOŠIč
Aleksandar Tošič is doing his PhD in Computer Science at UP FAMNIT under the supervision of assist. prof. Jernej Vičič. He is teaching assistant at UP FAMNIT and researcher at Innorenew CoE.

Title: DLT for smart building health monitoring and IoT

This presentation provides an overview of distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) emphasizing their importance in solving several problems in the areas of smart building health monitoring and Internet of Things (IoT). Recently, distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) generated widespread interest due to the development of crypto-currencies. However, the fundamentals of distributed systems were laid down years before the recent massive investment. The key features of DLTs are decentralization, security and immutability. These properties coupled with principles of game theory make them suitable for implementing value transfer. Furthermore, a trust-less and decentralized system can be used to replace existing centralized software architectures where trust, data safety and transparency are the main issues. A pilot project will be presented here, which plans to equip a modern building with sensors to monitor building health. Key problems will be exposed and a DLT based solution to solve them will be proposed.