Our students at UPM 2018 finals

Participants had five hours to solve nine programming problems (they can be viewed on the judicial system) with  some very hard to solve. The winning team has solved 7 tasks, the second ranking has solved 6 tasks, and the third ranked 5 tasks. You can see the official results here.

The best three teams were:

  1. place: Final Solution (žan Knafelc, Tim Poštuvan and žiga željko)
  2. place: muzik.si (Luka Avbreht, Filip Koprivec and Samo Kralj)
  3. pace: Jam (Aljaš Eršen, Marko Rus and žiga Vene)

The champions of individual universities are:

  • University of Ljubljana: Final Solution (žan Knafelc, Tim Poštuvan and žiga željko)
  • University of Maribor: ASMx64 (Vid Keršič, Niko Uremovič and Mitja žalik)
  • University of Primorska: Migos (Arsen Matej Golubovikj, Igor Saveski and Predrag Zvezdakoski)

Other teams from UP FAMNIT were:

  • Avokado (Tilen Jesenko, Goran Tubič, Gašper Moderc)
  • Narcos (Eda Kaja, Lisi Qarkaxhija, Arber Avdullahu)
  • python3-1 (Mirza Krbezlija, Đorđe Mitrovič, Isidora Rapajič)

In this year’s competition we have seen 178 competitors from 60 teams.

Congratulations to all participants!

Source news: https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/novice/nasi-studenti-na-fin