Seminar “Challenges in the cyclic scheduling of batch processes” Mate HEGYHATI (28. 1. 2019)

Kje in kdaj: 28. januar 2019 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1

Predavatelj: Mate HEGYHATI
Mate Hegyhati je diplomiral na Papnonski Univerzi kot inšenir informacijskih tehnologij. Na isti univerzi je zagovarjal svoje doktorat o načrtovanju serijskih procesov. Trenutno je višji raziskovalec na Oddelku za informacijske tehnologije na Univerzi Szechenyi Istvan.

Naslov: Challenges in the cyclic scheduling of batch processes

The long-term scheduling of industrial production systems is a mathematically complex problem with enormous size. As a result, exact approaches are inapplicable in practice. Cyclic scheduling is a simple yet natural idea to overcome this issue. The risk of loosing the globally optimal solution is compensated by a much smaller problem size, and the guarantee of an easy-to-execute repeatable schedule. The seemingly simplified problem harbors, however, some additional issues, that can contribute to the complexity of the problem.