
UPM 2017 Finals

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The final round of the University Programming Marathon 2017 a was held in Koper on Saturday, October 14, 2017. It was hosted by the University of Primorska, and the competition took place on the premises of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology. After 3rd rounds, it was clear that the finals will be interesting, as the leading teams were very close together. You can see the official results here.


Students of computer science excelent on 41st Primatijada

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Computer science students participated at Primatijada competition, which took place between 28 April and 3 May 2017 in Čajn Montenegro. 15 students from UP FAMNIT competed in the contest of knowledge and achieved excellent results. In the competition in informatics Leo Gombač won 1st place, Valentin Sojar and Patrik Kocjančič 2nd place, and Peter Kozlovič the 3rd place.