
Oliver Glavina, computer science student at UP FAMNIT, winner of Nasa’s hekaton in Kopru

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NASA Space Apps Challenge was held this year on 29th and 30th of April 2017 also in Koper. It is the world's largest hekaton with the theme "Earth in the universe". 25,000 participants from 69 countries participated in one of the 187 locations to solve one of the five challenges prepared by NASA. 19 participants gathered in Koper and have registered 6 projects. The winner was Oliver Glavina, a postgraduate student of computer science at UP FAMNIT.


CERC 2016

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Central European regional contest ACM ICPC CERC 2016 was held from 18 to 20 November 2016 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Srednjeevropska regija je ena izmed najtežjih na svetu. The Central European region is one of the toughest in the world. Competitors were given 5 hours to solve 12 tasks, some of which were extremely demanding. The results can be found at http://cerc.hsin.hr/index.php?page=results. The competition was attended by 67 teams from 28 universities from Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. UP FAMNIT team as the second Slovenian team accomplished 30th place: University of Primorska (Marko Palangetić Daniel Silađi, Anton Uramer) 4 rescued tasks.