
HICUP Lab amongst winners at startup competition Podjetna Primorska 2017

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Project Pan map (Klen Čopič Pucihar, Bojan Simončič, Peter Simončič, Leo Gombač) won first prize at startup competition Podjetna Primorska 2017. Pan map — panoramic map of the future, is a mobile application that enables users to point their phone camera into panoramic map and reveal digital content such as weather report, icons at important landmarks that can be clicked to show image gallery, videos, opening times or simply start the navigation to the selected point of interest. For more information see gallery of images or visit website of our start-up company


HICUP Lab @ ATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute, Japan)

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HICUP Lab visited Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR). ATR is one of the leading research institutions in Japan and specialises in robotics and telecommunications research. Amongst others, we visited the famous  Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory, one of the most famous humanoid robotics laboratory in Japan and met with humanoid robot Lucy.  The trip was exceptional in the amount of out-of-the-ordinary that we were able to see in just a single day. Let the pictures tell you the full story.