“If water catches cold, it freezes” Dr. Jernej Vičič 23.3.2015

Machine translated English phrase If water gets very cold, it freezes” ended up in Slovenian litteraly as follows: “If water catches real cold, it freezes.” (če voda dobi prav prehlad, zmrzneThis is just one of bizzare and funny examples of machine translations. How useful and reliable are the most sophisticated machine translators? Where are the limits of machine translation? Can they replace humans? These questions were discussed with mag. Peter Holozan, developer (and researcher) at Amebis Ltd., and doc. dr. Jernej Vičič, professor at the  Faculty of Mathematics, Netural Sciences and

Information Technologies, University of Primorska, researchers at the Institute
Andrej Marušič and the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language.

The interview is available on Radio Slovenia 3 (in Slovene): http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/jezikovni-pogovori/174326783