Seminar “Enterprising in the business world” mag. Tina Jančar Matekovič 18.5.2015

The seminar will be held on Monday, 18th of May 2015, at 16:00 in FAMNIT-1-MP2

Title: IEnterprising in the business world

Lecturer: mag. Tina Jančar Matekovič, The Regional Development Centre Koper

Summary: The program Enterprising in the business world offers young people the opportunity to develop their business ideas in a supportive environment with the help of the mentors. During the four-month training participants will draw up a business plan and take all actions to open their own business. More than 600 young people has taken this opportunity.

The lecture is part of the ADRIATinn project.
The project is co-funded by the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.