Seminars “Google Maps and AngularJs directive Gmap” and “The use of data structure Bloom filter in the field of digital forensics” (26. 9. 2016)

Where and when: FAMNIT-1-MP2 at 16:00

Lecturer: Nenad Ješič, graduate student, RIN FAMNIT
Title: Google Maps and AngularJs Directive Gmap


This study arose from the need to develop applications on the theme of “Intelligent transportation – information on the safety of the chosen route from point A to point B”. The aim is therefore to create an application that simulates and presents a possible scenario for the use of intelligent systems in real-world environments. The tools used for this project are Google Maps API and AnagularJS. Both tools are developed by Google and represent a breakthrough in the world of development tools. In the first part of the seminar we will present the basic characteristics of the development tools Google Maps and the most important classes of the tools that are necessary for the realization of the project. The second part will introduce the basic architecture of a AngularJS, its basic components and method of operation.

Lecturer: Aljosa Špeh, graduate student, RIN FAMNIT
Title: Using data structures Bloom filters in the field of digital forensics


The lecture covers the scope of concentrated (hash) values, data structure Bloom filter and their use in  digital forensics. The lecture is based on the paper “Practical Applications of Bloom filters to the NIST RDS and hard drive triage” and other related papers, which cover the mentioned topic. The main emphasis is on the use of the so-called exclusion of “known” files in the investigation process (that is, for example, operating system files, the default files of installed software, system libraries, etc.). We describe the way how to extract these files by the means of a data structure Bloom filter and test their existance in the pre-prepared data structure, which is maintained and regularly published by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Tecnology – USA). The NIST’s data structure maintains hash values ​​of all the so-called known files.
