Seminar “Cross-lingual Global Media Monitoring”, Marko Grobelnik, (19. 12. 2016)

Lecturer: Marko GROBELNIK,
Institut “Jošef Stefan”, Artificial Intelligence laboratory,
CEO Quintelligence, digital messenger of the government of the Republic of Slovenia

Title: Cross-lingual Global Media Monitoring

Global media monitoring assumes dealing with large amounts of heterogeneous textual data across many languages in a near real-time. We will present a pipeline of machine learning, text mining, and semantic extraction components representing global social dynamics as an evolving network of interrelated events extracted from media. We will demonstrate the proposed approach on an operational system “Event Registry” ( for:
(a) collecting media information from over 300k news and social media sources,
(b) performing linguistic and semantic processing in multiple languages,
(c) forming cross-lingual events and event sequences,
(d) streaming information about events in open data formats,
(e) rich visualizations, and
(f) complex queries to analyse global social dynamics.
Challenges and technical solutions will be discussed.

About the lecturer:
Marko Grobelnik works in various aspects of AI from 1985. Focused areas of expertise are Machine Learning, Data/Text/Web Mining, Network Analysis, Semantic Technologies, Deep Text Understanding, and Data Visualization.  Marko works as a researcher in AI Lab at Jozef Stefan Institute and is the CEO of specialized in solving complex AI problems for the commercial world. He collaborates with major European academic institutions and industries such as Bloomberg, British Telecom, European Commission, Microsoft Research, New York Times. Marko is also co-author of several books, co-founder of several start-ups and is/was involved into over 50 EU funded research projects on various fields of AI.