Seminar “Appropriating the Body for Enhancing Mixed Reality Interaction”, Jens GRUBERT (19. 2. 2018)



LECTURER: Jens GRUBERT, Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the Internet of Things at Coburg University, Germany


The powerful idea of merging digital and physical information into a “mixed reality“ has inspired researchers, designers and engineers to work towards its realization in everyday life for over 50 years.  Today, consumers can typically experience this realization through handheld augmented reality on smartphones and immersive virtual reality head-mounted displays. Within this talk, we will highlight how today’s mixed reality systems can serve as effective user interfaces for interaction with physical and digital data.
Within the talk we will look at how certain situations of current technology do not live up to the expectations users have towards such systems. We will look at how on can extend the input and output capabilities of mixed reality systems beyond the boundaries of individual devices (e.g., smartphones or head-mounted displays) and modalities (e.g., touch or mid-air input) by appropriating the human body as part of hybrid human-computer sensing systems, in which human body parts play a substantial role in the functioning of these computational systems. To this end, I will present recent developments and opportunities for future research in the areas of around-device interaction, ad hoc modular displays and efficient user perspective-rendering.


Jens Grubert is Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the Internet of Things at Coburg University. He is also associated with the EISLAB, University of Passau. Previously, he worked as university assistant at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Salzburg and associated member of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Handheld Augmented Reality. He is a proponent of inter-disciplinary collaboration has been involved in industrial research projects such as AVILUSPlus or SmartReality as well as in EU FP7 projects such as EXPERIMEDIA and MAGELLAN. He is author of more than 30 peer reviewed publications and patents and published a book about AR development for Android. Jens is organizer of workshops and tutorials on Augmented Reality (AR) and reviewer for the leading conferences in his field. His current research interests include interaction with mobile and wearable multi display ecologies (including smartwatches and smartglasses), multimodal Mixed Reality (Augmented and Virtual Reality) and cross-media interaction. Jens also investigated the utility of optical see-through head-mounted displays for industrial usage scenarios such as order picking.
