Seminar “Strategic User Research for Analyzing and Designing Better Sociotechnical Systems: Towards Improving Social Progress for All” (Kaveh Bazargan 9. 4. 2018)

          Department of Sociotechnical Systems Management,
          Faculty of Management and Accounting,
          Shahid Beheshti (National) University of Iran

TITLE: Strategic User Research for Analyzing and Designing Better
       Sociotechnical Systems: Towards Improving Social Progress for All

PDF of the presentation

The dominant techno-engineering rhetoric of artificial intelligence at the service of smart “everything” is mainly grounded in the large scale adoption and implementation of cutting-edge technological innovation by institutions and individuals around the globe. Responsible context sensitive creation and use of information and communication technologies platforms and ecosystems together with socio-technical innovations are key complementary drivers to reduce the digital usage divide between institutions and among individuals and promote inclusive social progress for all. First, this talk explains what social progress means and what strategic user research is from a theoretical perspective and how it can be used to analyze complex socio-technical requirements and assist designers in designing better systems – in terms of better user experience – towards improving social progress for all. Then, a large scale global challenge and related national scale response is presented and discussed in order to illustrate the theory. Finlay, individual capacity building plans, institutional policy recommendations and related key actions are formulated.

Dr. Kaveh Bazargan <> is an Assistant Professor in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the Department of Sociotechnical Systems Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti (National) University (of Iran) located in Tehran. He is the founding chair of Iran ACM SIGCHI (Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction) Chapter and expert member in IFIP TC13 (International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Human–Computer Interaction). He is also an ACM SIGCHI communication ambassador who spread the word about SIGCHI’s mission and members’ activities across the globe. He holds a Ph.D. in HCI, a Master of Advanced Studies in Information Systems from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics (ing. math. dipl. EPF) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). He has researched and practiced in the areas of information visualization, user / user experience (ux) research, usability engineering, ux management, open government data, e-participation and  sociotechnical systems analysis & design since 2007. He strongly believes information systems development should meet both institutional and individual challenges and needs, thus all relevant human factors should be incorporated into the design process and system development life cycle as early as possible.
