Seminar “Indoor navigation with smart schedule”, Zoltán Horváth (25.4.2018)

TIME/PLACE: April 25th at 16:00 in GALEB-RU3

PRESENTER: Zoltán Horváth,
           University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences

TITLE: Indoor navigation with smart schedule


The development of the IoT devices becomes faster and faster these days. In 2016 near 6.4 million devices connected to the Internet word wide, however this number can reach 21 million by 2020 according to the forecasts. That is why the Machine to Machine (M2M) communication protocols will be important because these will be gateways between the IoT devices. For the ‘Z’ generation, life would be inconceivable without smart devices, furthermore they would like to reach every useful information instantly. In the digital society it is getting more and more important to give the most important information for the users through their smart devices. During our research we made groups of users with the help of smart beacons, and beyond indoor positioning we gave them extra information, like electronic notes, closed book exam etc. One of the main goals in our development was to use our smart devices instead of paper to reduce the expenses of the university. For the indoor positioning, with the help of a pointcloud, we produced a 3D map beside the vectorgraphical, which is going to be the basic of further developments, as well as we created a surface on the physical web, where administrative operations can be made by the students and teachers.
