
Dr. Čopič Pucihar awarded honorary certificate by the University of Primorska

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The Rector prof. dr. Dragan Marušič bestowed 13 awards to professors and students at the 14th Ceremonial Academy of the University of Primorska (16.3.). Among awards were the title of professor emeritus, gold medal, honorary certificate, awards for scientific and teaching excellence, and awards "Srečko Kosovel" and "University of Primorska" for students.


Hosting professor Aaron Quigley

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We have a pleasure to host professor Aaron Quigley from 5th of March to 24th of March. He is the Chair of Human Computer Interaction in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews. He is also the ACM SIGCHI Vice President for Conferences (and former ACM SIGCHI Adjunct Chair for Specialised Conferences). Visit his Orcid profile to get a full list of his education.

He will give several lectures in the fields of Human-computer interaction, Augmented and Virtual reality and Information visualisation.


DIST and UP FAMNIT at Informativa 2017

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Informativa the biggest Slovenian education and profession fair – was held on Saturday 28 January, at the Ljubljana Exhibition centre. The stand of the University of Primorska was visited by a large number of future students and current students have presented them our study programmes. In addition to the events on the stand various lectures were also organised for interested audience. Member of the department DIST Matjaz Kljun has introduced augmented reality.


The visit of the representatives of the Moscow State University Lomonosov

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Among the guests of this year's Informativa 2017 (education and professions fair) were also representatives of the Moscow State University Lomonosov. Prof. dr. Alexandr Razgulin,  Vice Dean for International Cooperation from the Faculty of computer, mathematics and cybernetic, was a part of the delegation, which visited UP FAMNIT on Friday, 27th of January.


The secret of marsh wheel at Slovenian Book Fair

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The visitors on the Slovenian Book Fair (23. 11. 2016 at 18:00) had a possibility to see excerpts from a documentary film about the discovery of the oldest surviving wooden wheel with the axis of the world (Ljubljana Marshes, 2002). They coul also meet the creators of the animated film and contemporary interactive comic book "Bobri VOZ": Miha Čelar, Klen Čopič Pucihar and Iztok H. Šuc.