
Presentation of AIESEC’s programs Global Volunteer, Global Entrepreneur and Global Talent

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AIESEC is a global youth leadership movement, present in 115 countries and is already present in Slovenia since 1953. We aim for youth leadership development through international experiences.

Thijs (the President of AIESEC for Slovenia) and Yara (Vice-President of Marketing and Outgoing Exchange of AIESEC for Slovenia) have presented opportunities for students to gain competences on a global marketplace.


Dr. Čopič Pucihar awarded honorary certificate by the University of Primorska

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The Rector prof. dr. Dragan Marušič bestowed 13 awards to professors and students at the 14th Ceremonial Academy of the University of Primorska (16.3.). Among awards were the title of professor emeritus, gold medal, honorary certificate, awards for scientific and teaching excellence, and awards "Srečko Kosovel" and "University of Primorska" for students.