
The secret of marsh wheel at Slovenian Book Fair

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The visitors on the Slovenian Book Fair (23. 11. 2016 at 18:00) had a possibility to see excerpts from a documentary film about the discovery of the oldest surviving wooden wheel with the axis of the world (Ljubljana Marshes, 2002). They coul also meet the creators of the animated film and contemporary interactive comic book "Bobri VOZ": Miha Čelar, Klen Čopič Pucihar and Iztok H. Šuc.


CERC 2016

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Central European regional contest ACM ICPC CERC 2016 was held from 18 to 20 November 2016 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Srednjeevropska regija je ena izmed najtežjih na svetu. The Central European region is one of the toughest in the world. Competitors were given 5 hours to solve 12 tasks, some of which were extremely demanding. The results can be found at The competition was attended by 67 teams from 28 universities from Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. UP FAMNIT team as the second Slovenian team accomplished 30th place: University of Primorska (Marko Palangetić Daniel Silađi, Anton Uramer) 4 rescued tasks.


Echolocation – how bats perceive space? An interview @ Radio Koper

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Matjaz Kljun was a guest of a show "V Središču" on Radio Koper. He presented the echolocation prototype, which was created on the initiative of the Škocjan Caves and their University network initiative financed by UNESCO Man and the Biosphere programme. The purpose of the project is to enable users to experience echolocation. Prototip was developed in cooperation with our student Patrik Kocjančič and Klen Čopič Pucihar.


Bobri – an interactive comic book in the media

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After September's premiere of transmedia documentary "Reinventing the Wheel" at the Festival of Slovenian Film in Portorož, the MMC RTV Slovenia portal (Slovenian only) also published a story about the interactive comic book Bobri of which augmented reality application was developed by DIST researcher dr. Klen Čopič Pucihar. A relaxed chat about the comic book with project collaborators was also held at the Monday literary matinee (Slovenian only) at the bookstore of Celjska Mohorjeva družba in Ljubljana.