
Prof. dr. Tomaž Pisanski (head of the DIST department) receiver of the “Donald Michie and Alan Turing” award for his lifetime achievements

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Today, on 10th of October 2016, prof. dr. Tomaž Pisanski received the "Donald Michie and Alan Turing" award for his lifetime achievements. He received the award at the opening ceremony of the 19th International Multiconference Information Society – IS 2016 organized by the Department of Intelligent Systems, Jozef Stefan Institute.


The RTV Slovenia morning show “Dobro jutro” with DIST member about Researchers’ Night

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The RTV Slovenia show "Dobro Jutro" (literaly Good Morning) is a dynamic morning program aired every weekday. It is intertwined with the studio talks and live events from different parts of Slovenia. It has advisory, educational, entertainment and informational content. On the 29th of September they hosted also the vice-rector dr. Boris Boris Kavur, dr. Matjaž Kljun and Matej Voglar, who talked about Researchers' Night event taking place also at the University of Primorska.


Seminars “Google Maps and AngularJs directive Gmap” and “The use of data structure Bloom filter in the field of digital forensics” (26. 9. 2016)

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Two lectures will be held on Monday, 26 September 2016, at 4PM as the part of the Research Seminar lectures series. The lectures are titled "Google Maps and AngularJs Directive Gmap" and "The use of data structure Bloom filter in the field of digital forensics." The seminar is organized by the Department of Information Science and Technology from UP FAMNIT and UP IAM.