
10th graduation ceremony – awards were also given to students from HICUP Lab

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A new generation of graduates were awarded the graduation certificates on Friday, May 22, at UP FAMNIT. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the graduation ceremony due to the existing measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 disease. As every year, the faculty also awards students who have been particularly successful in their studies or research or who have excelled in extracurricular activities.


Seminar: Human Centric Immersive Environments. Challenges and Perspectives, Raffaele De Amicis, ZDA

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Raffaele De Amicis is an Associate Professor, at the School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at Oregon State University. He received his Ph.D. in Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy. From 1999 to 2003, he was a research fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt, Germany and senior researcher at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Before arriving at Oregon State University, he was the Managing Director of GraphiTech, Center for Advanced Computer Graphics Technologies in Trento, Italy, where he was recognized for leadership in science, technology, and innovation. Dr. De Amicis’ research focuses on the possibilities provided by Mixed Reality technologies in the area of design, creativity, and analytics. He has managed and delivered complex research projects, applied immature technologies, and mitigate associated risks. He has been the PI of several multidisciplinary projects contracted or funded by the European Commission, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, governmental agencies and industry with an overall budget of 47 million Euros. As Vice-President of the Board of Directors at, Dr. De Amicis has developed strong competencies in how to build and manage successful multinational organizations. In this context, he has established strong linkages to diverse Academic and Research Institutes, both at the national and international level. During his career, he has developed strong academic outreach and collaborations with leading universities, industry, and community partners.


From Behavioural to Cognitive Modeling in Recommender Systems, a keynote by Marko Tkalčič at AI Journey conference, Moscow

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Marko Tkalčič from HICUP Lab was invited to present a keynote talk at AI Journey conference. This is a 2-day conference with leading international and Russian experts in AI and data analysis, top companies in the development and application of AI in business. This was a high stakes event visited also by the head of state Vladimir Putin. 


Projection Mapping Hackathon at SO(U)ND, Ljubljana (organisied by HICUP Lab)

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On Halloween night of the 31rd of November, HICUP Lab organised a Projection Mapping Hackathon. Participants were experimenting with projection mapping software such as Map Map, Resolume Arena,  Motive motion tracking software with Optitrack Prime 13 cameras. Curated projections were on display for the visitors of the Halloween party. See video for more…


HICUP Lab students amongst the winners of the 1st Round of the NASA Space Apps Challenge, Sežana

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More than 29,000 participants participated in more than 230 locations in 80 countries. International NASA Space Apps Challenge was also held in Sežana. Between 19th and 21st of October, 6 teams with 31 participants participated in the 1st Round of NASA Space Apps Challenge held in Sežana. Amongst the teams were also students from UP FAMNIT, where two come from HICUP Lab:  Maheshya Weerasinghe, Cuauthli Campos. Other students in the team were Nina Klobas from UP FAMNIT and Nikola Nakov and Lukasz Popowicz from UP Management. They created an educational Augmented Reality game and won 1st place.


Veljko Pejović from University of Ljubljana presenting “Cognitive Load Inference for Ubiquitous Computing Adaptation”

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Veljko Pejović is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His interests include mobile computing, HCI, resource-efficient computing, and the interaction of technology and society. His work on modelling user movement and communication behaviour from mobile call records won the 2013 Orange D4D Challenge, while his work on interruptibility modelling resulted in the best paper nomination at the ACM UbiComp'14 conference.

Besides the talk, Veljko also visited HICUP Lab where we showed Veljko all the new cool tech gadgets and ongoing research projects.



Workshop on EEG & Eye tracking by iMotions and G-tec

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Our partners from iMotions and G-tec help us run an on-site two day workshop @FAMNIT UP. The workshop covered an overview of sensors (e.g. GSR, EMG, ECG, EEG) for capturing physiological response signals. This was followed by EEG data capture using a 64 channel EEG device. We also looked at data capture using Tobii-pro 2 glasses and advanced API features of iMotions software. Big thanks to instructors Kiara, Bart, Mike and Francisco.


Workshop on OptiTrack outside-in tracking system by Target3D

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Our partners from Target3D run a workshop on how to use OptiTrack system and how to integrate the tracking into various game engines. As part of the workshop Ashely conducted basic Motive software training that included system calibration, motion tracking of rigid bodies and full body motion capture. We also experimented with recording and streaming of data. Big thanks to instructors Ashley Keeler and Allan Rankin.